The Church: Three Generations Behind in Fulfilling its Mission
By: Charles Barksdale, M.A. Introduction: The church plays a vital role in society, providing spiritual guidance, support, and community. However, it is crucial to acknowledge our shortcomings and address the disconnect between the church and the last three generations. To bridge this gap, we must create a safe and inclusive space, engage in uncomfortable conversations, and actively evangelize with love, using modern tools and techniques. 1. The Disconnect with the Last Three Generations: The last three generations have witnessed significant societal changes, including technological advancements and shifts in social norms. Unfortunately, the church has struggled to adapt to these changes, resulting in a disengagement with these generations. According to a survey conducted by the Barna Group, only 14% of Millennials consider the church to be relevant to their lives. This decline in engagement highlights the need for the church to reassess its approach to connect with these generations e...